When we trust someone, we give them a piece of ourselves.
Ultimately, whether or not you dare to trust people it comes down to how much you’re willing to give away out of that portion of you. It’s a decision you have to make early on in life, it’s part of becoming adult and human.
Trust has played a huge role in our development as a species. From not wanting to trust the wrong person in fear of death to now trusting concepts that other human beings that we’ve never met have come up with. It’s an incredibly powerful tool as well as it’s a sinkhole for energy.
That’s why there’s some biological incline towards racism. Because it saves energy at the cost of being inaccurate.
That’s why some people have decided that they don’t trust the internet. Because it could potentially harm them in the same way a stranger could back in the days.
That’s why some people don’t trust you. Because it’s easier to start off with giving 0% of your trust in order not to be hurt.
And that’s ok. But you have to decide what kind of person you want to be. I’ll be giving away 100% of my trust until you prove me that was a mistake.