We want what we want because we want to feel the way we think we’re going to feel when we have what we want.

Marketing is a promise to give people that feeling.

Caspian Almerud
2 min readNov 9, 2020

This is at the heart of marketing. What every marketer, and essentially everyone, is promising is that you’ll feel that feeling when you get the service or product I’m selling.

You want to feel pretty, thin and attractive? I promise you this gym card is going to solve that.

You want to feel confident, secure and like you’re worthy? I promise you my coaching is going to get you that feeling.

You want to feel like an entrepreneur, hustler and a salesperson? I promise you, my e-book is going to solve that.

What consumers have to realise is what they’re really looking for, and what’s going to work in order to get them to that feeling.

Want to feel secure? Well, the home alarm system might be a part of that. But in the mindset of being under attacked in your house, I don’t think you’re going to stop finding holes in your home security.

Want to feel attractive? The gym card could be a first step. But there’s a huge risk you’re not going to keep up the habit of going to the gym. And there’s an even bigger risk that you’re still going to look in the mirror and see something wrong no matter how many abs you see or how big your bum is getting.

Want to feel like you’re working as hard as Elon Musk? Reading about Elon might get you partly there, but only for so long.

What you want is the essential part here. Not what you think you should want. Nor what your parents want for you.

Then you need to put in some real work in to getting there. And if you don’t really want what you thought you wanted, you’re not going to work for it.No matter what the marketer tells you.



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