What’s the problem we’re trying to solve with todays educational system?
To me it’s quite clear that most people who are in the educational system today, regardless if they’re teachers, principals or students, don’t really know the answer to that question. My friend Helena has been asking the question “Why school?” for quite some time, which is just as a legitimate question. We need to start looking in to what we’re trying to accomplish with the system.
I think the main reason to why we haven’t done that on a large scale yet is because we’re scared of the answer, or even worse, not knowing the answer. The thing is, realising that wee don’t know the answer is a lot better than not asking the question. If we know that we don’t know, we can explore. If we’re certain that we can’t ask the question, we’ve closed our minds.
The school system that we have did solve a really important problem. It supplied companies and a market with competence and educated workers. Today, we don’t have the exact same need on the market. And we most certainly don’t in 10–15–30 years.
The question is really hard since we’ll have to deal with the future if we try answering it, and the future is uncertain. It’s volatile and we’ll have to guess a lot in order to get any answers about it all. It’s still better trying than not asking.
Activity always has a higher quality than passivity.