We’re busy with the management of lack, rather than the distribution of abundance.
There are two very distinct different perspectives to have on resources. Either you think that there’s enough, or you don’t.
It might not seem as that big of a shift, but the consequence is. Especially in regards to choices.
When faced with a choice to get x or y, the person thinking that there are enough resources will ask the question “What can I do to get both x and y?”, where the person who doesn’t think there are enough resources will either make the choice or dismiss the situation.
The person who thinks there’s abundance will have more because of this consequence, if they’re ready to do the work.
Making the shift itself takes time, and your previous environment will have a big impact on you. The easiest thing you can do is to swapping ‘or’ and ‘but for ‘and’. That alone will have a dramatic impact on the way you talk about your resources.
And of course, reminding yourself of the abundance with the question of how you can get both when faced with a choice.