The trap of inspiration.
I think inspiration can be extremely toxic. It’s a drug that we constantly get high on. Misused, we find ourselves always needing more and bigger hits off it to actually get to action. In order to realise this, there needs to be some sort of self reflection to realise it’s happening.
Never justify creativity with inspiration. Never justify hard work with inspiration. Never justify anything with inspiration.
One of my closest friends kept saying he needed to smoke weed in order to create music. That weed got him going well above his creative capacity. What he manifests become true. He’s created an addiction for himself.
Luckily, inspiration neither as expensive nor as neurologically damaging to you as weed. Yet, as it might cripple your ambitions, it needs to be put in place. What place you might ask?
Inspiration needs to be followed by action. Action with an another reason then solely the source of inspiration.
Let me state that again.
Inspiration needs to be followed by action. Action with an another reason then solely the source of inspiration.
Don’t run because you got inspired by that fit girl on Instagram. Run because you want your body to be better off for the future. It’ll get you a lot further. With that being said, it’s totally fine to think of that instagram girl and run an extra intervall because of the thought.
The difference is the last little push. To manage that, we sometimes need something or someone to look up too. Sometimes. The trap of inspiration exists here as well, as soon as we get up to a level where we can actually manage the last intervall without the inspiration.
Don’t confuse inspiration with motivation. And be really really careful not to confuse inspiration with inner motivation. Because inner motivation is what’s really going to get you where you want to go.