The king’s dead
I’ve watched so many of my heroes die I feel like I’m Jon Snow. Not as in being put to ground, but as in them in some way or form loosing their edge, their herojuice or muchness as the mad hatter would put it.
The other day, I was working at my employer’s house, in his home office. He’s a massive inspiration to me, mainly because of his work ethic and thought process around business. Over the last year, he’s become a mentor to me, and inspired me both in the way he works just as well as the advice and input he’s given me in mine.
The day whilst working, he took a deep sigh and laid himself on the couch. He closed his eyes for a minute, and seemed distressed. Very unusual in his case, because one of his mottos is to work through his problems. He rarely takes a break, and if he does he makes sure to plan his breaks so that he can take a phone call at the same time.
He sighed and said he was tired and didn’t want to work, and I told him not to. I know that a break might be the ground you have to put behind you in order to get to the best bit of the work journey. We got talking, knowing that all of this was temporary. He was going to be in front of his computer again in a matter of hours, maybe getting some dinner in between.
When we know our heroes and they die, sometimes they become human.
At times, that’s really nice to see and experience. Like the event with my employer. It’s a lot easier for me to have sympathy for both myself and him if I see the cracks in the facade every now and then. Sometimes it’s really ugly.
I had another employer a couple of years ago that I looked up to. He’s an amazing storyteller and writer. Then one day, after working together intensely every day for 8 months, I showed up and he sacked me. There were no clear warning signs, no conversations about it, nothing. By our laws, that’s illegal. I was 20 st the time, snd had just gotten my own place.
That kind of death showed me that he was human, just as the rest of us, as well. But they are two very different experiences with my employers. And I don’t condone any of it, it’s all experience. I’ve learned so much from both of these kings, and in many ways they are still heroes of mine. And they’re human at the same time.
Regardless of how they die, when kings die, they show you they’re human.