Are you reacting, responding or initiating?
Seth Godin posed these three states of being in his book “Tribes: We need you to lead us.” Given that we’re exposed to stimuli, we can react to it, we can respond to it, and we can initiate before the stimuli even exists.
Reaction is something we do by default. Most of us would pull our hand towards us if it’s exposed to extreme heat. That’s a reaction. Becoming angry when faced with an another drivers’ rage, we are reacting to their emotions.
When we respond, more intention and attention is given to our dealing with the stimuli. If properly responded to, very cold water can be handled with. It’s a response. Taking a deep breath and choosing not to become angry in traffic is a response.
The initiative is taken way before all of this. Initiative is practicing in order to be able to give a proper response. Practicing breathing techniques that can be used in order to cope with cold way before exposed to it. Practicing breathing techniques in order to cope with raging feelings before being put in a situation where they might arise.
Initiators are a step ahead. We don’t usually see that, we see the response. “How thoughtful!” Or “How lucky!” Some might say to that. It’s not. It’s practice and looking ahead. It’s taking initiative.
When we take initiative, the have a greater chance for proactivity. We have an opportunity to work with matters that matter. Do things we feel important. Instead of reacting to the things that are urgent.