Picasso is dead.
Picasso is dead. Steve Jobs is dead. Walt Disney is dead. Name somebody living that you can name in the same breath as them. Don’t tell me about being likable. We got 100 years here. We’re one race, the human race, one civilization. We’re a blip in the existence of the universe, and we constantly try to pull each other down. Let’s get fired up about something you love, and stick to it. Let’s create something that’ll last more than those 100 years you’ve got. Creation is the most important thing we can do, to make. To create. To mould that clay in to becoming something greater. To mould ourselves. Create a ruckus, start a movement, give yourself as a gift. Wrapped in all of those insecurities, all of that experience, all of the feelings and thoughts that you’ve ever had. Give it away for anybody to use. Give it to the people that are willing and capable of receiving it. We’ve had titans walking this earth, both literally and figuratively. Those people who were here weren’t different from you in their biology. It wasn’t about how long their arms were in proportion to the rest of their body. The dinosaurs would be something different, but the titans we’re talking about where all humans. Flesh blood and soul. Just like you.
Picasso is dead. Become something living that we can name in the same breath as him.