Notice it, name it, make a decision.
In me, I have a voice telling me a whole lot of things. Mostly truths. Truths describing how things are, how things should be, who I am, who I should be and so on.
The voice is rarely of any use to me. Come to think of it, I’ve never really gained anything from that voice, since the majority of the truths come in some kind of negative, nagging kind of form.
Even though I find it quite annoying, at times bothering me, I can’t shut it out. Not always. It’s like the voice has one of those megaphones used at demonstrations, with a direct access to my attention.
It’s not always like that. Most of my teens, I had a very different voice speaking to me. It said things like “You’re the best.”. It did so with such confidence that I believed it. I was the best.
That’s the thing with these voices. They speak with the confidence of Kanye or Zlatan and so become authorities.
So I named my voice in my teens. Decided to amplify it and to keep it around. The inner Kanye I called it. Marvellous friend.
When I stopped amplifying The inner Kanye, it disappeared. We drifted apart kind of like friends do. It stopped waking me up in the morning with positivity. And I stopped amplifying it.
The inner Kanye showed up a couple of weeks ago, with full volume on the megaphone. I haven’t felt so good in a very long time. What I want to do now is to name that first voice. From now on I call it Eeyore. I love Eeyore, but not to the extent that I want to keep it around all the time. So just like I do with my iPhone, I’m from now on lowering the volume for Eeyore. It’s going to use that megaphone to compensate for that at times, but I’ll always be in control of the main volume.
If you have a voice in you that you’re not pleased with, tone it down. Notice it, give it a name and make a choice.