Micro and Macro
In a really simple world, there are two perspectives. Those perspectives dominate how we do things. Either, we take a micro perspective, or we take a macro perspective. They’re very different and absolutely co-dependent.
The micro is the very small. The day to day and the details. To get to where we want to be, we need to be in the micro. That’s where we execute and do. We need to be quick and decisive in the micro, always moving. Micro = Speed.
The macro is the bigger picture. The strategising and planning. In the macro, we need to breathe, relax and let things slow down. It’s where we make the one decision that makes a thusand others obsolete. Macro = Patience.
When we let the two exist and work together, wonders happen. We’ll be able to move quickly towards our goals, and be consistent with our execution. We’ll have the patience to realise that one days good work won’t change our lives, but many will. Speed and Patience. Micro and Macro.