Let your body do what it needs to do.

Caspian Almerud
2 min readMar 15, 2020


I woke up at 12:30 am this morning, after almost exactly 3 hours of sleep. The perfect amount if I’m going for a bi-nocturnal sleep. That’s when I realised that my new-years resolution of not setting an alarm when I don’t need to might have been the best thing I can do to my body.

I’m used to waking up early, but 12:30 is early even by my standards. That being said, it presented an opportunity for a couple of hours without distraction. A couple of hours where I could read, watch a couple of episodes of Altered Carbon, and have a first breakfast.

I’ve been more and more prone to thing that the body does what the body needs to do, and that we do good to let it. Of course, there’s a connection to my mind in all of this: I love the hours in the middle of the night where I get to be the only one to be awake.

If we let it, the body does what the body needs to do. Sometimes it needs less sleep. Sometimes in another pattern then we’re used to. Sometimes it needs 12 fucking hours.

It’s all fine. Because not all of us are good at picking up the signals that our bodies are trying to send to us. As a matter of fact, we’ve been trained not to pick up on those signals at all.

Let your body decide how much sleep it needs. See what happens. And as always, it might take some time to get used to. It might take some time before you fully get what it’s telling you.

It’ll all be alright.



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