Just having fun is an activity as well.
I’ve been a youth coach for about 7 months now, divided up on two time periods. We’ve seen tremendous development from the work we’ve done, and it’s been a really wonderful journey.
My goal set from the organisation that I work for is to get him to go to school, to get him to think about a healthy lifestyle, to help him find a motivating activity for himself, try to help him with his social life and to be there for him in all of the things that happen in your teens. We see each other three times a week, sometimes to try an activity, sometimes to exercise, and sometimes we just take a walk.
And of course, a huge part of the job is just that — work. But what I’ve come to realise is that an even bigger part of it, and sometimes even more important, is to just have fun together. Bowling, going to see a movie, snug in and play games and so on.
Because that’s what builds relationship. That’s what brings us really close together, and that’s when we thrive. And I think that goes for a lot of relationships. Just being together, doing something fun and enjoying yourselves, that’s the thing.
Find out what you think is “Just having fun” and then do it.