Jealousy again.
I got to observe my feelings again today, finding something curious.
I had a conversation with a girl that I’ve had a crush on, and am still very fond of. She met someone else, but knows how I feel for her. We’ve had a conversation around that, and cleared the air. I told her that in no way do I want those feelings to get in between us getting to know each other, or to have some sort of relationship. We both agreed that we’f like to spend more time together.
Today I asked her how things are going with the other guy, as I felt the topic didn’t naturally come up. She started talking around it, and I felt some jealousy building. The whole situation was kind of absurd, where my mind was instantly hoping for her to tell me they’ve been broken up.
I just thought it interesting how instant and subtle feelings can be. I’’ve chosen not to feel jealousy in these kinds of situations, and very much so in this particular case. Yet my mind goes there.