Intention 2021
I’ve never been very keen on new years resolutions. They rarely last, and if there’s one thing I learned last year it is that change is the only constant, making it hard to commit to something over a year.
That said, I have an intention for 2021. It’s going to be the year of asymmetries.
An asymmetry, simplified, is where there isn’t an exact correlation between input and output or where the risk doesn’t match the reward. It can go both ways, where you either don’t get nearly enough output for whatever you put in, or that you get way more out of something in relation to what you put in.
For me, a great example is taking a walk every day. The input is limited to 30 minutes and some will to get out the door this time of year. In return, I get most of my best ideas when i’m walking, I get time for myself, I feel better and I get healthier. It’s really a no-brainer.
An example of the reverse, what I call a negative asymmetry, is speeding. I risk a fine, my license or worst case a fatal crash, and I gain very little time for that risk from driving too fast.
These asymmetries are everywhere, and I see them everywhere now. And I realise that it’s something I’ve been utilising for a very long time. Now I want to get conscious about them, and help others see them.