
Caspian Almerud
1 min readNov 25, 2019


I’m afraid of loads of things. Like really afraid.

I’m scared to death of calling people I don’t know. I just don’t.

I’m afraid of being called out as a fraud. I often feel like I don’t know a thing.

Spiders get me like nothing else.

I’m going on my first date ever today, and can feel my heart beating inside.

I’ve been reluctant to dancing since forever, because I’m afraid of doing something wrong.

Actually, doing something wrong in any context is a big one.

I’m really afraid of angry people. Even myself when I’m angry.

But, I’ve made a decision. It’s a rule actually. “If it’s scary, do it.” It’s really simple. When I feel afraid, I need to do the thing that made me scared. I got it from a conversation with S.T.I.C.S, and I’ve been quite good at keeping to it. I’m going on a date today, I’m going to take a dance class with Helena when I get back from India. I’m fucking going to India, that scares the shit out of me.

“I’m afraid for my life.” was a really useful sentence back in the days when there were lions and shit around. It still is in some contexts, but much more seldom today, at least in this part of the world.

Do the things that scare the life out of you. It’ll scare the life right back in to you, once you’re through.



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