Holding yourself to standards.

Caspian Almerud
1 min readAug 5, 2020


I haven’t been meeting up to my own standards lately. There have been circumstances to blame, but in truth it’s come down to me. I haven’t had the determination and grit, nor the energy or will, to keep up to them. It’s made me realise something.

I don’t have the same standards now as I did a couple of months ago. And I don’t want to. They don’t fit me anymore, nor do I fit them. And that’s fine.

But it hurts at time, as I’ve had some of them for a very long time. I’ve even bashed on people who don’t have the same or ‘as high’ standards as myself. It takes a toll to my ego saying maybe I was wrong. Or even to say, I might been right back when those standards did fit, but they don’t anymore.

I’ve cot something completely different going on right now. Other priorities. Other schedules. Other circumstances.

Sometimes it’s just time to let go. The important part is to get back at it again, and get new standards. At least for me. They don’t need to be remotely similar to the ones I had before, but being able to hold myself accountable to something seems to be important for my well being.

Here’s one standard that I’m very likely to keep tho:

Write something every day.



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