Fail more.

Caspian Almerud
2 min readSep 9, 2019


I fail. A lot. I rarely succeed to be honest, and take great pride in that.

Saying that I fail, I mean that I don’t reach the goals that I’ve set up on beforehand for an action that I am to take. If I take a shot with a football, my ambition is to score. That’s the goal (pun intended, sorry about that!).

There are two main reasons to why I fail. One is that I don’t care about succeeding as much as the action itself. The second is that I rarely plan enough to have a tangible goal to hold on to.

I recently failed at keeping my blogging streak. Again. I was at 106, and simply forgot to post one day. The same thing happened at around 150 last time, and around 100 the time before that. My ambition is to blog every day. Or rather, the ambition is to write every single day. That’s what I want my blogging to generate, a writing habit.

I’ve also failed to complete my book that I said was going to be finished by the end of September. It’s not going to be, not even close. I failed to write a page of the book every single day that I said I would.

The key to failures for me is not to be sentimental about them. Because of the pace I keep, I won’t be able to keep up with everything that I say I will do. There’s simply no chance.

To me, there’s advantage in speed. Because of the speed at which I keep starting and doing things, I’ll always have something to do. That means that regardless of what fails, it probably wasn’t that important to me at the time where I failed. I had my focus elsewhere.

The points here are two:

Everybody fails. Loads of times. It’s all about how you think of the failures you create.

Don’t be sentimental about the failures you concede. Looking back at them will hurt your neck.



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