Balling out.
I had a beer too much today. Or well, that’s a beer too much by my standards. Being a lightweight and alchohol newbie, that’s having a second beer at the company of someone not having a second beer.
That to some degree significates something that may of my friends have been talking about, how milennials are too well behaved and orderly. How we don’t let loose in the same way as people used to. And most of my friends are more orderly than their parents were at their age. I most certainly am, having had a partying mother and a father addicted to drugs. And they had me at about their age.
The “worst” thing I’ve done is to break in at an aboneded building site at night. That’s also the only thing I can brag about. Many of my friends have none of those storys, while their parents have plenty.
Times are different. Balling out in my terms is having a whiskey after those two beers, by myself, at home. It might not have been for my mom. That’s just the way it is.