Allow yourself to get bored.
When Neil Gaiman writes, he sits down with a notebook and a pen. He sits somewhere quiet, where nothing much happens. Then he says to himself:
I can write, and I can not write. But I can’t do anything else.
What’s done in that moment is he’s given himself permission not to write anything that day. And that’s fine, he knows he’ll write. He trusts the process and himself. He’s allowed to have bad days. He’s allow to not write, if that’s not what he’s supposed to do that day.
As well as he’s acknowledging the fact that if he’s bored, he’ll come up with better things to write. If he’s under stimulated, not even slightly bothered by things around him, he’ll come up with things in his head. He’s acknowledging the importance of boredom.
What are you going to allow yourself to do, or not do, today?