A reason to live.

Caspian Almerud
1 min readAug 6, 2019


Some people use the notion of that they’re going to die as a means for productivity, creativity and for motivation. Some people say that creativity and human will is created out of the conflict of knowing that we’ll die, and the awareness that we’re going to live up until then.

There might be some truth to that. Some people find that notion incredibly motivating, giving them a reason to do things bigger than themselves. To find ways in which they’ll continue living after their body dies.

What’s important to remember is that some people don’t. Some people will never run out of energy, will and drive, unless the external world puts restriction on them. Some people will continue to create things up until they die, not for anyone else to remember, but because of the feeling that the activity that they’re pursuing is worth doing.

Not all people become blobs of overconsumption and passivity when they’re allowed to just continue. Some have an innate capability to love what they’re doing and do what they love. And some of those people will never run out of things to do.

We can call that extreme curiosity. That extreme curiosity in itself is a reason for some people to live. What’s yours?



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